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Image by Photoholgic

Monthly Membership

For longer term care we invite you to take a look at the following affordable monthly membership options. We believe that affordability can be an incentive to be consistent with your wellness plan. You can also ask us about our custom plans if you are looking for something specific.

Image by Sandip Kalal

My Empowerment

Weekly Sessions for individuals with a strong desire for self improvement in health goals and who require extra support.

Psychic Energy Healing
Power Restore
Holistic Counselling
Distance Reiki
Distance Shamanic Healing
Distance Psychic Healing
Holistic Manifestation
Oracle Reading
Tarot Reading
Rune Stone Reading

Power Restore and Self Integration

Weekly sessions for 3 months of intense self healing and dream work. Reintegrate fragmented selves.

Image by Sharon Pittaway

My Wellness

Long term healing with support from multiple services for a holistic approach to your needs.

1 Reiki/Shamanic Healing Session Biweekly
1 Holistic Counselling Session Monthly
1 Power Restore Session Monthly
Psychic Readings/Messages
Dream interpretation
Shamanic Ceremony

Spiritual Self Development Training

10 sessions of 1-2 hours each over 3 months learning techniques to tap into your gifts.

Reiki Member

1 Session per week for long term wellness goals (arthritis, anxiety, mental congestion etc.)

Usui Reiki Healing

Weekly Holistic Counselling

1 Weekly Session for long term mental, emotional and spiritual health goals. 

Holistic Counselling

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